Getting better after an emergency or disaster

person with sirens

This page talks about all the things that can help you after an emergency or disaster.

Look after your mental health

person hugging herself

It is important to look after your mental health after something bad happened to you.

person looking upset

Mental health is about how you feel and think.

person looking at laptop

There is an online course that helps people with their mental health after an emergency or disaster.

person reading a document with a supporter

Your support worker can support you with the course.

person reading a document with a supporter

We have some information for your support worker about supporting you with the course.

r4ned logo

To read the information you can go to

R4NED resilience and NDIS Participants guide

person doing deep breathing

The Council for Intellectual Disability has information that can help you keep calm.

laptop with anchor exercise

What to do after a disaster

house floating on water

There are lots of things for you to do after a disaster.

person giving a thumbs up

When you do these things it can help you get back on track.

person reading a book

The ABC has information to help people get better after an emergency or disaster.

Red Cross Logo

The Australian Red Cross has lots of information to support people after a disaster.

mother and three children sitting on a sofa

They have information about things like

  • Looking after yourself and your family when a disaster happens
person with her arms crossed
  • How to deal with bad things in your life
firefighter standing infront of a burning building
  • Coming back home after a bushfire
adult with child
  • How to talk to children about disasters.
laptop with screenshot of red cross website

To read the information you can go to the Red Cross website at

Recovering from emergencies.