Manage your paperwork

Organisational plans

Having clear plans for how you will manage an emergency or disaster, and how you will get your organisation back on track once the crisis has passed, is critical.

Use this checklist to make sure you have the right content in your plans.

R4NED Organisational planning templates


And check out the R4NED Organisational recovery guide for actions to include in your plans in the Support your organisation section of the R4NED website here: Recover together

You must have a Business Continuity Plan, regardless of the size of your organisation. This plan will often include how your organisation will respond to an emergency or disaster.

There are many free templates available on the internet. These two – from South Australian Council on Social Services (SACOSS) and the Queensland Government – have all the elements NDIS Providers need to consider.

Business Continuity Plan template (SACOSS) Save

Business Continuity Planning template (QLD)

Business Continuity Plans often include a section about how your organisation manages emergencies and disasters – sometimes called an Incident Response Plan. If your organisation is small this may suffice. However, most NDIS Providers should also prepare a separate Emergency and Disaster Management Plan.

Again, there are many free templates available on the internet. This is a straightforward template that is easy to use from the Victorian government.

Emergency Management Plan template (VIC)

NDIS Participant information

Your Service Agreement and Support Plan templates may need tweaking to make sure they include considerations of how you will support NDIS Participants during and after an emergency or disaster event.

Use this checklist to ensure you have the necessary information readily available to effectively address the needs of NDIS participants and ensure their safety and well-being during emergencies.

R4NED NDIS Participant information


COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic meant organisations had to develop policies and procedures to manage the threat it posed and ensure NDIS Participants and staff were safe. These should now be embedded in your practice and used for any future pandemic infection control.

National Disability Services (NDS) has free comprehensive resources to prepare your organisation to manage pandemics such as COVID-19 on its website.

COVID-19 resources

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