This page is for NDIS providers.
It is about how to plan together with NDIS participants.

It is important that people with disability are part of all steps of planning for emergencies.

We have a guide to help you and your NDIS participants plan and get ready together.

To read the guide go to
R4NED Emergency planning with NDIS Participants: a guide for NDIS Providers
Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist disability accommodation are homes where people with disability live together.

They are sometimes called group homes.

It can be hard for NDIS providers to support lots of people with disability in an emergency.

It is good to practice what to do if there is an emergency.

We have tips to help specialist disability accommodation get ready for emergencies.

To read the tips go to
R4NED preparing for emergency responses in Specialist Accommodation Settings

Evacuation means you must leave where you are because of an emergency.

Some NDIS participants might feel upset if they have to leave in an emergency.

You should talk to your NDIS participants about
- What can happen in an emergency

- What it means to move to another place for a while.

This will help people feel less stressed about evacuations.

We made a fact sheet about what happens when there is an evacuation.

To read the fact sheet go to