This page helps you get ready to plan for emergencies and disasters.
The NDIS practice standards

Your NDIS provider must follow some rules when there is an emergency or disaster.

The rules tell them what they must do to keep people safe.

The rules are called the NDIS practice standards.

It is important for you to know how your NDIS provider must support you.

To read our information about the NDIS practice standards go to
Start to plan

It can be hard to start planning for an emergency or disaster.

We have some tips for you to help you think about what you need to do.

To read our tips go to
Start to plan

It is good to know how the warning system in Australia works.

A warning system lets you know when something bad is happening.

That might be bad things like
- Bushfires

- Floods and storms

- Very bad heat

To find out more about the warning system in Australia go to
Am I at risk?

It is important to know if you live in a high risk area.

High risk area means emergencies and disasters are likely to happen there.

To find out more about the area where you live go to this website

You can also have a look at the website of your council.