Practise and review your plan

Practise your plan

emergency plan book

It is important to practise your plan often.

person looking like they are thinking

This will help you know what to do if an emergency or disaster happens.

person looking peaceful with eyes closed and hand in a prayer position

It will also help you stay calm in an emergency or disaster.

person supporting someone

You need to make sure that the people who support you know your plan.

person reading a book

We have an info sheet that can help you practice your plan.

Check your plan

person reading a book

It is important to check your plan from time to time to see if it is still right for you.

person writing on a piece of paper

If things in your life change you need to make sure it is in your plan.

a house

This might be changes to do with

  • Where you live
person supporting someone in a wheelchair
  • Who supports you
person supporting someone in a wheelchair
  • Your support needs
  • Your health. 
person reading a plan

You should check your plan if you know that an emergency or disaster is about to happen.

bushfire emergency symbol

This might be after a warning about a bushfire or flood.

calendar showing 1 year

You could check your plan

  • 1 time every year
A red car is partially submerged in floodwaters in front of modern buildings.
  • And after an emergency or disaster.