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<v Audio Descriptions> A white screen appears and the tri-coloured, cube-shaped R4NED logo forms from left to right, in the middle of the screen, with the words ‘Resources for NDIS Emergency and Disaster Management’ below. Upbeat instrumental music plays in the background.

<v Audio Descriptions> There is a close-up shot of a woman with short blonde-grey hair, big tortoise shell glasses and drop earrings, as the R4NED logo forms on bottom screen left with the caption ‘Jo-Anne Hewitt, CEO, Achieve Australia’. There is bright blue hexagon insert featuring a female Auslan interpreter on screen right, which remains there for the duration of the video.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: As a provider of NDIS supports, I see firsthand how crucial it is to be prepared for events like floods, fires or a pandemic such as COVID 19.

<v Audio Descriptions> File footage is shown – firstly of a flooded rural town with submerged houses. A graphic of individual geometric pieces joining to form a blue geometric water droplet icon is shown on the left.

<v Audio Descriptions> Footage of a bushfire burning a house with trees in the background is then shown, as individual geometric pieces join together to form an orange geometric fire icon on the left.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up footage of four young people shown one after the other wearing white face masks is shown – one is male with bright blue eyes and a bald head; one is female with light brown eyes and long brown hair tied back; one is female and Asian with dark brown eyes and dark hair fully tied up; and one is male and Asian-Indian, with dark brown hair and eyes. Individual geometric pieces join to form a green germ icon on the left.

<v Audio Descriptions> Footage of a smiling Indigenous man walking behind an Asian person, also smiling as they enter a house in the community is shown.

<v Audio Descriptions> Side-on footage of a female carer (waist down) standing behind a person in a wheelchair on a boardwalk looking out at a city view together.

<v Audio Descriptions> Footage of an older woman with short hair and glasses sitting at a table with medication bottles on it, talking to a doctor or pharmacist as they make notes with a pen and clipboard. A superimposed caption stating ‘Support to maintain wellbeing’ swooshes in from right to left.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: In these situations, people depend on us more than ever to provide the support they need to live their lives and maintain their wellbeing.

<v Audio Descriptions> There is a close-up shot of Jo-Anne Hewitt.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: I’ve seen the difference a well thought out emergency plan can make.

<v Audio Descriptions> A white screen appears and an arrow dot point fades in with the words ‘Uninterrupted services’. A second arrow dot point appears below with the words ‘Keep participants safe’.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: It means services remain uninterrupted as far as possible, and most importantly, it keeps participants safe.

<v Audio Descriptions> There is a close-up shot of a young man with short brown hair and black squared glasses, as the R4NED logo forms on bottom screen left with the caption ‘Ricky Kremer, NDIS Participant’.

Ricky Kremer: I want to stress how vital it is for us to know that our providers can keep us safe during emergencies and disasters.

<v Audio Descriptions> A white screen appears and an arrow dot point fades in with the words ‘Prepared providers’. A equals sign fades in below with the words “peace of mind” next to it.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Ricky Kremer.

Ricky Kremer: Knowing our providers are prepared gives us peace of mind.

We often have unique needs, and in a crisis, our providers need to know how to meet those needs safely.

<v Audio Descriptions> A white screen appears and an arrow dot point fades in with the words ‘Planning and preparing = safety in a crisis’.

<v Audio Descriptions> There is a close-up shot of a woman with long grey hair, purple octagonal glasses and long twisted golden earrings, as the R4NED logo forms on bottom screen left with the caption ‘Professor Emerita Patricia O’Brien, AM, PhD, FASID’.

Patricia O’Brien: NDIS Providers come in all different shapes and sizes and surely each participant has their own ideas about how this should work for them.

<v Audio Descriptions> File footage is shown of a woman with long, wavy black hair who has spina bifida, sitting and typing at a laptop in a home as she smiles.

<v Audio Descriptions> There is a close-up of Jo-Anne Hewitt.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: As an NDIS Provider, we have to think about the idea of proportionate risk.

<v Audio Descriptions> A graphic is shown with three separate coloured columns that all rise and then fall to be the same height. The first one is for ‘Safety’, the middle one is for ‘Independence’ and the last one is for ‘Choices’.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: That means finding a balance between ensuring people’s safety while respecting their independence and choices.

It’s about tailoring risk management strategies to each individual’s needs and circumstances.

<v Audio Descriptions> In the next shot, individual geometric pieces join to form the orange geometric fire icon on screen left, with blurred footage of four firefighters running in slow-motion while holding a ladder shown in the background. Before the shot ends, the fire icon bursts into individual geometric pieces.

<v Audio Descriptions> In the shot following there is a close-up of a blurred-out smartphone keyboard and two thumbs typing.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: For example, some participants may need additional support to evacuate during a fire, while others may require specific communication tools during emergencies.

<v Audio Descriptions> There is a close-up of Ricky Kremer before the screen cuts to footage of Ricky and Jo-Anne sitting at a table, looking at papers and having a discussion.

Ricky Kremer: It’s just as important for me to know that the support I receive is safe, as well as knowing that I can make choices and live a full life.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Ricky.

Ricky Kremer: For me, being involved in a planning process that considers my specific needs and preferences makes a huge difference.

<v Audio Descriptions> A white screen appears and an arrow dot point fades in with the words ‘Feel in control’.

Ricky Kremer: It helps me feel more in control and prepared.

<v Audio Descriptions> A second arrow with the words ‘Be more prepared’ appears below the first arrow dot point.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Jo-Anne Hewitt.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: As providers, we also have to consider the size of the organisation the types of support we provide, along with how each NDIS Participant wants to live their lives.

<v Audio Descriptions> Footage of a woman with short, light purple hair, sitting in a wheelchair in a lounge room and smiling while she looks at her phone in her hands is shown.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Jo-Anne Hewitt.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: Communication is the key, as is regularly reviewing and updating emergency plans, conducting drills with staff and involving participants in these processes.

<v Audio Descriptions> Footage of Jo-Anne and Ricky talking at a table is shown, before a close-up of an Easy Read ‘Things to think about’ document is shown with Jo-Anne pointing to the second dot point.

<v Audio Descriptions> The screen then cuts to the two people entering a home (shown previously), both with glasses and smiling. In the next shot, the first person is standing at a dining table in the home, packing emergency-related items off the table into a red and black Flagstaff Group backpack.

<v Audio Descriptions> Patricia O’Brien, Ricky Kremer and Jo-Anne Hewitt sit in chairs next to each other in a studio with a pot plant behind them on screen left. Their hands are all folded in their laps.

<v Audio Descriptions> A caption stating ‘Freedom to live on your own terms’ swooshes in from right to left.

Ricky Kremer: For people like me, this means that I can live my life on my terms.

<v Audio Descriptions> The screen cuts to a close-up of Ricky Kremer.

Ricky Kremer: It allows me to make informed decisions while knowing that my safety is a priority.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Patricia O’Brien. Patricia eventually looks towards where Ricky and Jo-Anne are sitting (out of shot) and smiles.

Patricia O’Brien: It’s clear that working together and individualised planning are key components of a successful approach.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Jo-Anne Hewitt.

Jo-Anne Hewitt: Each person is unique and plans must be adaptable to different circumstances.

<v Audio Descriptions> The shot returns to Patricia O’Brien, Ricky Kremer and Jo-Anne Hewitt sitting in chairs next to each other in a studio.

<v Audio Descriptions> A caption stating ‘Participant communication is vital’ swooshes in from right to left.

Ricky Kremer: And remember including us in the conversation is vital.

We know what we need.

<v Audio Descriptions> Close-up of Ricky Kremer.

Ricky: Let’s work together to find the right balance where safety and choice co-exist and make sure we are ready for any future emergencies and disasters.

<v Audio Descriptions> Ricky smiles.

<v Audio Descriptions> A white screen appears and the tri-coloured, cube-shaped R4NED logo forms from left to right, in the middle of the screen, with the words ‘Resources for NDIS Emergency and Disaster Management’ below. Upbeat instrumental music plays in the background.