Work with your Local Council

Local Emergency Management Committees

Councils play a key role in leading local collaboration with emergency services and other agencies to help prevent, plan for, deal with, and recover from all types of emergencies.

This includes bush fire, flood, storm, tsunami, extreme heat and public health pandemics.

Check out your local council’s website to find out more about how the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) works in your area.

There may be an opportunity for you to get involved and provide input into how people with disability are supported.

To read about examples of local council community emergency planning initiatives, click on the links below.

Logan City Council, Queensland

Community Emergency Planning

Hawkesbury City Council, New South Wales

Prepared, Informed and Ready

If you know of any other initiatives local councils are trialing or have available, get in touch with us at

Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning

Many councils are running Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning (DIEP) forums, an initiative pre-planning for the extra support needs of people with disability in emergencies. 

Read more about this initiative on the Collaborating 4 Inclusion website.

Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning

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