Practising good mental health

Looking after yourself is really important, especially after a stressful event like an emergency or disaster.

An online training module about managing your mental health after an emergency or disaster can be found on the Flagstaff website. Flagstaff provide NDIS supports in NSW. Click the link below to go to the module.

Recovery after an emergency training module

We have written a guide for your support worker or other trusted people to help you do this module

R4NED Resilience and NDIS Participants: a guide


There is also an online calming exercise for people with intellectual disability called “Anchor”. We think it is a great resource that lots of people might find helpful. You can also download it to use on your phone. Click on the link below to find it on the Council for Intellectual Disability website.

Anchor calming exercise

What to do after a disaster

There may be things you have to do when you return to your home after an emergency or disaster. Taking care of these things will help with getting back on track.

For a list of things to think about before and after you return to your home, tips for handling insurance, and useful contact details take a look at this article on the ABC website (scroll down to the heading “Returning to your home”).

Helping you recover after an emergency

The Australian Red Cross also has a lot of useful resources to help people recover from disasters. Some of these are accessible, and they cover topics such as:

  • Looking after yourself during and after disasters.
  • Coping with a major personal crisis.
  • Cleaning up after an emergency: dealing with wind and water damage.
  • Returning home after a bushfire evacuation
  • Looking after yourself and your family after a disaster.
  • After the emergency (a book to help kids cope with emergencies).
  • Talking with children after an emergency.
  • Preparing for disaster anniversaries.

Check out these resources on the Red Cross website.

Recovering from emergencies

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