What to do

blue emergency light beside red emergency light

This page is about things to do when there is an emergency or disaster.

Know your plan

person looking scared

Emergencies and disaster can be very scary.

person doing deep breathing

Try to stay calm.

plan notebook

Remember you have a plan and you know what you need to do. 

person reading a book

Look at your plan to remember what to do first.

people talking on the phone

Get in touch with your emergency contact so they know what is happening.

Take your go bag

person with a bag

It is good to have a bag ready for an emergency or disaster.

We call it the go bag.

person running away from a house

A go bag will help you leave the house fast when something bad happens.

person writing on a clipboard

You should put things in your go bag like

  • Your medical information
medication box
  • Your medication
A person seated in a blue chair, using a communication device with symbols on a touchscreen.
  • Your communication aids that help you talk to others
A person is holding a hearing aid near their ear, demonstrating its placement.
  • Other important things you need like your hearing aids.
checklist with green ticks

The Australian Red Cross and Ember have checklists to help you with your go bag.

laptop with red cross go bag checklist

To look at the lists go to

Leave your house

person running away from a house

When you have to leave your home fast in an emergency it is called evacuation.

person standing next to a house looking scared

It may be very scary to leave your house in an emergency or disaster.

person with a bag

We have an info sheet to get you ready for

  • Before you have to leave your house
person running away from a house
  • When you have to leave your house
nsw recovery centre entrance
  • After you leave your house.
r4ned logo

To read the info sheet go to