Steps to Take

Remember your plan

It is important to stay calm. Remember, you have planned and prepared for this!

Read your plan and get in touch with your emergency contact so they know what’s happening.

Keep informed

Make sure you stay up to date with what is happening in your local area.

Find your local emergency services, as well as alerts for what is happening in your area, on the ABC Emergency website here: Find emergency services

Grab your Go Bag

Make sure you take your essential items – like medical information, medication, communication aids, assistive equipment with you if you have to leave your house.

It is best to prepare your Go Bag ahead of time. We suggest using the Australian Red Cross and Ember checklists. You can find them here:

Red Cross Go Bag checklist

EMBER Go Bag checklist

Evacuate from your home

Sometimes Emergency Services will tell you that you have to evacuate from your home.

Having to leave your home in an emergency or disaster can be confusing and scary.

Read our guide about what to expect before, during and after evacuating your home,

R4NED Evacuations: What to expect before, during and after


This Easy Read communication board from Ember could be useful to take with if you evacuate. You can print a copy of it to keep in your Go Bag or download it as an app on your mobile phone. You can find links here:

EMBER Evacuation Communication Board (PDF)

EMBER Evacuation Communication Board (APP)

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