The bigger picture: DIDRR

Persons with disabilities are often disproportionally affected by disasters and have different and uneven levels of resilience and capacity to recover.

NDIS Providers are responsible for ensuring the people with disability they support are fully included and meaningfully participate in all activities that impact them. This is especially relevant to emergencies and disasters, as people with disability have been found to be among those most affected by natural disasters.

Read our fact sheet about Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR), why it is important, and how it relates to the NDIS Practice Standard for Emergency and Disaster Management.

R4NED DIDRR and the NDIS Practice Standard


Proportionate risk and what it means for you

No matter what the size of your organisation or the type of supports you provide, as a registered NDIS Provider you have an obligation to meet the Practice Standards.

Read about proportionate risk, with some examples of how it might apply to your organisation.

R4NED Proportionate Risk


Practice Standard Checklist

There is a lot to unpack in the NDIS Practice Standard for Emergency and Disaster Management.

Find resources about the Practice Standards on the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website.

NDIS Practice Standards

Read a summary by National Disability Services about what the Practice Standard for Emergency and Disaster Management requires from NDIS Providers.

Emergency and Disaster Management in NDIS Supports and Services

Use this checklist to help you think about how the Practice Standard applies to your organisation and your emergency and disaster management practices, and the evidence you will need for your NDIS audit.

R4NED NDIS Practice Standard Evidence


Your leadership role in Emergency and Disaster Management

Your organisation’s Board of Management and Leadership team have important roles in emergency and disaster management.

This presentation outlines those roles and responsibilities in emergency and disaster management.

It can be amended to your organisation’s specific context.

R4NED Board and leadership team responsibilities

PowerPoint presentation

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