Understand the Standard

About the DIDRR

good of people with disabilities looking upset

People with disability can have bad things happen to them from emergencies and disasters.

person looking confused

They often do not cope as well as others after emergencies.

three notebooks numbered 1, 2, 3 with red arrows pointing from one to another

There is a list of things organisations can do to support people with disability

  • Before an emergency happens
  • When there is an emergency
  • After an emergency.
NDIS DIDRR document

The list is called Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction.

We will say DIDRR for short.

people with disability having a say

People with disability should have a say about what happens in organisations they are part of.

people with their thumbs up

That is an important part of DIDRR.

ndis provider listening to a person with disability

This means NDIS providers should support their NDIS participants to have a say about things.

reading a fact sheet

We have a fact sheet about the DIDRR.

R4NED logo

To read our fact sheet about Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction the NDIS Practice Standard go to

R4NED Easy Read DIDRR and the NDIS practice standard

Proportionate risk

people sitting around a table at a ndis practice standards meeting

NDIS providers need to follow the NDIS practice standards.

The NDIS logo

The NDIS practice standard says how NDIS providers must look after people with disability.

group of service providers

The NDIS practice standards are the same for small or big NDIS providers.

person taking notes standing next to a caution sign

When they follow the practice standards they need to think about proportionate risk.

risk icon

Risk means that something bad can happen.

people sitting around a table with a poster of a hazard symbol - a red triangle with a black exclamation in the middle

Proportionate risk means NDIS providers make choices about what to do about a risk.

ndis providers

What they choose to do might be different if they are a big or small NDIS providers.

risk icon

To decide what to do about a risk they think about things like

  • How big is the risk
person holding a clipboard with a red x doing a thumbs down
  • How bad things could get
person with disability pointing at himself
  • What the person with disability wants to do about it.
R4NED logo

To learn more about how proportionate risk affects your NDIS service go to

R4NED Easy Read Your NDIS Provider and the Practice Standard fact sheet

Practice standard checklist

checklist with green ticks

There is a checklist to help organisations know which NDIS practice standards they must follow.

R4NED logo

To look at the NDIS Practice Standard Evidence checklist go to the

R4NED Practice Standards checklist

The role of the board

group of people at a board meeting

The board is a group of people that helps run organisations like NDIS providers.

blue and red sirens

1 thing the board must think about is what to do when emergencies and disasters happen.

board presentation to a group of people

We made a presentation to help your board know what they need to do.

R4NED logo

To look at the Board and leadership team responsibilities presentation go to the

R4NED Board presentation