Make a plan

Plan and prepare with your NDIS Provider

Involving your NDIS Provider in your planning and preparation is a great idea.

Read our step-by-step instructions to getting ready for emergencies and disasters with your NDIS Provider.

R4NED Emergency planning with NDIS Providers: a guide for NDIS Participants

PDF | DOCX| Other languages

There is also a handbook, designed to use with storyboards, that your NDIS Providers can use to support First Nations people with disability to prepare and plan for emergencies and disasters, particularly for people living in rural and remote communities. Other people may also find these useful.

R4NED NDIS Emergency and Disaster Management Provider Handbook


R4NED NDIS Emergency and Disaster Management Storyboards


Make your own plan

Having an emergency management plan that describes what you will do if a disaster happens and provides essential information about supporting you during the crisis, is important.

There are a lot of different ways to plan for emergencies and disasters, and lots of different guides and templates you can use. There are even some apps you might want to try out.

Our pre-planning guide gives you tips on which template might be the best one for you to use.

R4NED Pre-planning guide for NDIS Participants


The R4NED Emergency Management plan is simple template you can fill in online or download and save it. If you fill it in online, make sure you save it to your computer or print a copy.

R4NED Emergency Management Plan template


There is also an R4NED Emergency Management Plan for First Nations people with a disability, particularly for people living in rural and remote communities, and a picture and story template that goes with it.

R4NED My ‘What To Do Story’ Emergency Plan template


R4NED My ‘What To Do Story’ Picture and Story template


Plan templates and apps from the Red Cross and Ember can be accessed through the links below.

Red Cross

RediPlan prepare for disasters resources – scroll to the Prepare for disasters section to find links to the Rediplan template and an Easy English Rediplan guide.

Get Prepared app

Ember (The Flagstaff Group)

My Emergency Plan
Ember app

Watch a short ABC News clip to learn more about Ember resources.

ABC news – Ember

Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness

Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness, also known as P-CEP, is a comprehensive resource package for people with disability to prepare for emergencies and disasters. It includes a practical conversation guide and planning tool that will help you create an emergency plan that is specific to your individual support needs.
Check out the resources on the Collaborating 4 Inclusion website.

P-CEP toolkit

You can also watch some videos about how people have used the P-CEP resources on the Queenslanders with Disability Network website.

P-CEP videos

(Tip: scroll down to the bottom of the page for the videos.)

Put a Go Bag together

Having essential items packed and ready to go if you must leave your home quickly during an emergency or disaster is really important. This is called a Go Bag.

To prepare your Go Bag we suggest using the Australian Red Cross and Ember checklists.

You can find them here:

Red Cross Go Bag checklist

EMBER Go Bag checklist

The Ember website also has a checklist about things to include in your Go Bag that could help you stay calm if you have to leave your home during an emergency or disaster.

Sensory kit checklist

You can also find some really useful tips on this United States Government website about preparing a Go Bag for specific needs – for example, if you have a sensory disability, specific mobility needs, or an intellectual disability.

Tips for preparing a tailored Go Bag

Other things to think about

Make a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

If you need assistance to get out of your home – for example, if you are in a wheelchair or use assistive equipment or have high medical support needs – making a separate plan about how you can safely leave your home or workplace might be a good thing to do.

Follow the link below to find information that will help you do this.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

Read our guide about what to expect before, during and after evacuating your home to help you think about what to include in your plan.

R4NED Evacuations: What to expect before, during and after


Plan for your communication needs

If you use assistive equipment to communicate, make sure you add this to the list of things to take in your Go Bag.

This Easy Read communication board from Ember could be useful to take with if you evacuate. You can print a copy of it and add it to your Go Bag or download it as an app on your mobile phone. You can find them here:

EMBER Evacuation Communication Board (PDF)

EMBER Evacuation Communication Board (APP)

Make a plan for your pets

Check out this NSW Government website for useful information about preparing your pets for emergencies (including what to pack),:

Emergency preparation for pets and livestock

Or take a look at this Easy Read document on the Ember website:

Pet essentials in an emergency

Plan for when your phone, mobile phone or internet does not work

Check out this Australian Government website for tips on what to do.

Communication in emergencies and disasters

Keep your data safe

Take a look at these Easy Read checklists on the Ember website to learn ways you can plan ahead to keep your physical documents and digital documents. Scroll down the page to the Keep your data safe section.

Safe data checklists

Keep useful equipment in your vehicle

Use this checklist on the Ember website about things to keep in your car or van that could be useful in an emergency or disaster.

Vehicle checklist

Connect with your neighbours

Find tips from the Australian Red Cross about simple steps you can take to connect more with your neighbours, grow your support network, and stay safe during an emergency or disaster.

Get connected

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